Hey, hi! This post will be short and sweet. It's a "welcome," although I have a whole page devoted to that, and it's a "give me some grace," request, as well, because I'm new to this. Well, actually, I'm not new to writing, nor to the topics I write about -- but I am new to writing into a very public forum, and I'm finding that there's a lot more to it (at least for me) than tossing some nice words out there and hitting the "publish" button. So please enjoy my website, but please don't beat me up too much if things look a little wonky or there are two of the same photo on one page or some other ridiculous (and in the grander scheme of things, super-unimportant!) incidents like that.
just roll your eyes
My best advice is just roll your eyes, send me a message, and chuckle into your coffee as you imagine the horror and mad scramble going on behind the scenes as this recovering perfectionist tries to correct course. I'm sure it will be hilarious. You have my permission to laugh. And to drop comments telling me how you snorted coffee up your nose or laughed so hard you . . . well, maybe just the coffee story. 😉
grace, kindness, hope
On a broader scale, I want this to be a "grace-space" for everyone. Please extend the same grace and kindness that you give to me, to all the others who will be visiting here. Some of us are still deeply wounded; perhaps freshly wounded. If you are not, if your abuse happened long ago, do you remember those days (years)? What would you have wished for yourself back then? Kindness? Warmth? Gentle honesty? Hope? Be kind. Be warm. Be truthful, but not hurtful. And for all of you -- all of us -- know that there absolutely is hope for healing and wholeness. Yes.There.Is.
I hope you love it here!
Thank you for joining me. I hope you'll be back. Until then, tell me what has felt like grace, or kindness, or hope, in your journey so far? Start up a conversation below. I'd love to know more about your story!
Let's Chat!
What has felt like grace, or kindness, or hope from others?
Drop me a comment below and "let's chat!"
Hope, for me, came in the form of meeting you and a few other women who understood what I had been through with regard to sexual abuse by my brother and growing up in a wildly dysfunctional family that protected him and blamed (and shamed) me.
You are the person who helped me internalize the truth that the abuse was not my fault. You are also the person who helped me to begin trusting again, which was huge. Francey, YOU are the font of hope, grace, and kindness that I have found on my journey, and because of you, I now have a tribe of sisters and I don’t have to journey alone.